Friday 12 July 2013

MTV Se Makkah Tak Imran Khan By Mustansar Hussain

altaf hussain case

Drone Strikes Was Done With Pakistan’s Permission: Shuja Pasha

Former DG Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Ahmed Shuja Pasha has said that drone strikes in Pakistan were done after getting permission from Pakistan. Shuja Pasha also admitted that drone strikes were somehow useful but it voiltes Pakistan’s sovereignty.
According to media reports in the recently leaked Abbottabad Commission report it was stated that Shuja Pasha said that there was no written agreement between US and Pakistan regarding drone strikes. However there was a political understanding between Pakistan and United States on drone issue.
“They were legal according to American law but illegal according to international law,” the report quoted the ISI chief as saying.
On many occasions Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan has said that drone attacks were carried out with the permission of the Pakistan government. Imran has said that the government conducts drone attacks through the US and then condemns the same.
This recent statement of Former DG ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha tells that Pakistan’s previous governments have lied to people of Pakistan when they say that government have not given permission to US for drone strikes.
سابق ڈی جی انٹر سروسز انٹیلی جنس (آئی ایس آئی) احمد شجاع پاشا نے پاکستان میں ڈرون حملے پاکستان کی طرف سے اجازت حاصل کرنے کے بعد کیا گیا تھا نے کہا ہے کہ. شجاع پاشا بھی ڈرون حملے کسی نہ کسی طرح مفید تھے لیکن یہ پاکستان کی خود مختاری voiltes تسلیم کیا کہ.
حال ہی میں لیک ایبٹ آباد کمیشن کی رپورٹ میں میڈیا رپورٹس کے مطابق یہ شجاع پاشا ڈرون حملوں کے حوالے سے امریکہ اور پاکستان کے درمیان کوئی تحریری معاہدہ نہیں تھا کہ نے کہا کہ یہ بات کہی. تاہم ڈرون معاملے پر پاکستان اور امریکہ کے درمیان ایک سیاسی سمجھ بوجھ نہیں تھی.

"وہ امریکی قانون کے مطابق قانونی تھے لیکن غیر قانونی بین الاقوامی قانون کے مطابق،" رپورٹ میں کہا کہ آئی ایس آئی چیف کے حوالے سے کہا.
کئی مواقع پر پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے چیئرمین عمران خان ڈرون حملے پاکستانی حکومت کی اجازت کے ساتھ باہر کئے گئے نے کہا ہے کہ. عمران حکومت نے امریکہ کے ذریعے ڈرون حملوں کا انعقاد اور اس کے بعد اسی کی مذمت نے کہا ہے کہ.

سابق ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی احمد شجاع پاشا کے اس حالیہ بیان انہوں نے کہا کہ حکومت ڈرون حملوں کے لئے امریکہ کی اجازت نہیں دی ہے کا کہنا ہے کہ جب پاکستان کی سابقہ ​​حکومتوں کو پاکستان کے عوام سے جھوٹ بولا ہے کہ بتاتا ہے.

Former MQM Member Naim Ahmed Accuses MQM Of Killing People

Former Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) member Naim Ahmed has said that MQM is involve din killing of hundreds of people. He was givinginterview to UK’s BBC Two programme ‘Newsnigh
Naim Ahmed said: “you know I cannot count but hundreds of people. They (MQM) are not peaceful party. They are militants group and they are like bunch of mafias”. When he was asked did you ever commit act of violence Naim replied: “no, it was not my job, If I like the violence why I leave the party (MQM). It’s ideal party for violence”.
“I left the party because of violence, because of militancy” said Naeed. He said that those who were killing people always said that they are directly getting order from London”.

Pakistani journalist Shaheen Sehbai tweeted regarding Naim Ahmed and said that he is ex-MQM MPA. Shaheen Sehbai tweet:


سابق متحدہ قومی موومنٹ (ایم کیو ایم) کے رکن Naim احمد کہ ایم کیو ایم کے سینکڑوں افراد کے قتل الدین شامل ہے نے کہا ہے. انہوں نے کہا کہ برطانیہ کی دو بی بی سی کے پروگرام 'نئی snigh پر انٹرویو دے رہا تھا
Naim احمد نے کہا کہ: "اگر آپ میں نے لوگوں کی لیکن سینکڑوں شمار نہیں کر سکتے ہیں جانتے ہیں. وہ (ایم کیو ایم) پر امن پارٹی کے نہیں ہیں. انہوں نے عسکریت پسندوں کے گروپ ہیں اور وہ "mafias کے گروپ کی طرح ہیں. انہوں نے پوچھا گیا تو آپ نے کبھی تشدد کے ایکٹ کا ارتکاب کیا Naim نے جواب دیا: "میں پارٹی (ایم کیو ایم) کو چھوڑ کر مجھے کیوں تشدد پسند ہے، تو نہیں، یہ، میرا کام نہیں تھا. یہ "تشدد کے لئے مثالی جشن ہے.

"میں نے اس کی وجہ عسکریت پسندی کی وجہ سے تشدد کے پارٹی چھوڑ" Naeed ہے. انہوں نے کہا کہ لوگوں کو قتل کر رہے تھے وہ لوگ جو ہمیشہ وہ براہ راست "لندن سے آرڈر حاصل کر رہے ہیں نے کہا ہے کہ انہوں نے کہا کہ.

پاکستانی صحافی شاہین صہبائی Naim احمد کے بارے میں ٹویٹ اور وہ سابق ایم کیو ایم کے ایم پی اے نے کہا ہے کہ. شاہین صہبائی ٹویٹ:

Thursday 11 July 2013

Windows 8 Pro Keyboard Shortcuts

Speech of an American Muslim Tariq Minha In U.S Court

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Fauzia Kasuri To Contest By-Elections Independently

Former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Fauzia Kasuri has decided to contest the by-polls as independent candidate. She will contest for the seat of NA-48. This was reported by leading English newspaper website of Pakistan.

ccording to report Fauzia Kasuri met Imran Khan recently but Imran failed to address her concersn therefore she deicded to contest NA-48 by polls. She will be against PTI candidate Asad Umar. Makhdoom Javed Hashmi of PTI vacated the NA-48 seat and many in PTI wanted to give ticket to any local of NA-48 but Imran Khan decided to give NA-48 ticket to Asad Umar who is resident of Karachi.
Some insiders in PTI are denying this report and are saying that Fauzia Kasuri will support Asad Umar. fauzia kasuri left PTI in june 2013 complaining that she was sidelined by party leader ship on many issues including the important issue of distribution of party tickets on reserved seats

TI spokesperson Dr Shireen Mazari while commenting on this story said: “She is not in the party anymore, so it’s her choice to make. I can only comment on the people in the party

Qoum Ki Beti Dr Aafia Siddiqui

Story of the Person

Air travel was nothing new for the man, sometimes even business meetings of the name, as it was through most of the time in air travel.
 If she had seen in her life pleasant trip flights to bad weather it was a great experience.
 . the invisible fear his eyes were going to have holes in them. seat he had held firmly with each stroke she pleaded with him to his destination safely packed pray that I was able to get over it.
 Matter of luck that it was made with a child seat., But how this child was securely without any risk perception were sitting in the world enjoy playing was happy.
 After the end of this terrifying journey, the pilot announced that we reached them after a few seconds off your floor is good and comfort.

 The child replied: My father is a pilot of the plane, he told me that we would reach our destination Morning and comfort.
Yes, love is another dependable.
 What are good that man should love his faith that he will not leave him alone, nor will disgrace him.
 And the best faith in the world that is of the Essence of Allah Almighty eh, again If you love Allah, then keep the faith


ہوائی سفر اس آدمی کیلئے نئی بات نہیں تھی، کبھی کاروبار کے نام پر تو کبھی میٹنگز کے نام، گویا اُس کا بیشتر وقت ہوائی سفر میں ہی گزرتا تھا۔
 اُس نے اپنی زندگی میں خوشگوار سفر دیکھے تھے تو خراب موسم کی پروازوں کا بھی اسے خوب تجربہ تھا۔
 مگر آج تو موسم نے کمال ہی کر دیا تھا۔ حد نظر گہرے بادل اور ہوائی جہاز گویا بادلوں میں نہیں ناہموار پہاڑی راستوں پر چل رہا تھا۔ یہ آدمی تو یہاں تک بھی سوچ رہا تھا کہ آج بخیریت اُترنا بھی نصیب ہو پائے گا کہ نہیں۔ جہاز تھا کہ پائلٹ کے کنٹرول میں ہی نہیں آ رہا تھا کبھی ڈانواڈول ہوتا تو کبھی سینکڑوں میٹر نیچے گر کر اوپر ہو رہا تھا۔ مسافروں کو پیش کیا جانے والا کھانا فرش پر بکھر چکا تھا۔ بچے رو رہے تھے تو عورتیں چیخ رہی تھیں۔ ایک نادیدہ خوف سے اسکی آنکھیں پھٹی جا رہی تھیں۔ نشست کو اس نے مضبوطی سے پکڑ رکھا تھا اور ہر جھٹکے ساتھ ہی وہ اللہ سے التجا بھری دعا کرتا کہ اُسے اپنی منزل پر خیریت سے پہنچانا اُس کے قبضہ قدرت میں ہی تھا۔
 قسمت کی بات کہ اُسکی نشست ایک بچے کے ساتھ بنی تھی۔ مگر یہ بچہ کیسا نڈر تھا کہ کسی خطرے کا ادراک کیئے بغیر اپنی دنیا میں مگن مزے سے بیٹھا کھیل رہا تھا۔
 آخر اس خوفناک سفر کا اختتام آن ہی پہنچا جب پائلٹ نے اعلان کیا کہ ہم چند لمحوں کے بعد اپنی منزل پر بخیر و عافیت اترنے والے ہیں۔
 جہاز اترنے کے بعد اس آدمی نے بچے سے پوچھا، بیٹے آج تو بڑے بڑے گھبرا گئے تھے اور جہاز میں ایک کہرام سا مچا ہوا تھا مگر تم کس طرح اتنے اطمینان سے بیٹھے کھیلتے رہے؟
 بچے نے جواب دیا: میرے ابو اس جہاز کے پائلٹ ہیں، انہوں نے مجھے بتایا تھا کہ ہم اپنی منزل پر بخیر و عافیت پہنچیں گے۔
جی ہاں، محبت بھروسے کا ہی دوسرا نام ہے۔
 کیا ہی اچھا ہو کہ انسان جس سے محبت کرے اُس پر بھروسہ رکھے کہ وہ اُسے تن تنہا نہیں چھوڑے گا اور نا ہی اُسے رسوا کرے گا۔
 اور اس دنیا میں سب سے اچھا بھروسہ تو اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ کی ذات کا ہی ہے ناں، پھر اگر اللہ سے پیار ہےتو اس پر بھروسہ بھی تو رکھیئے

Monday 8 July 2013

Pakistan cricket great Wasim Akram to marry Melbourne woman

The famed left-arm bowler, 47, proposed on bended knee in their lounge room to Ms Thompson, 30.
"It was the romantic moment of my life because it was so genuine," she said.
A former public relations consultant from Brighton, Ms Thompson has converted to Islam, and will call Pakistan home.

She said Akram was nervous about proposing in the traditional way.
"He was really sweet about it.
He asked me what my dream proposal would be and I said I'm not the type of woman that likes a big scene. I would want it to be at home or somewhere private.

"Then I came into the lounge room and he was on his knee and asked me if I'd marry him."
But the joyful mood was soon broken by a worried look on Thompson's face.
She told Akram: "If we are doing this the traditional way, then you have to ask my father."
He called Ms Thompson's father, who gave his blessing.
The pair met in Melbourne in 2011 and Akram said he was happy he had found love.
"I never thought I would get married again, but I am lucky and very happy to find love again," he said.
"It just goes to show that life can give you a second chance."
Akram's first wife, Huma, died in 2009. They had two boys, now aged 15 and 12.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Scotland Yard finds significant evidence against Altaf Hussain

LONDON - The London Metropolitan Police has interrogated two leaders of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and has recovered important archives as well as high-valued diamonds and jewellery from two bank lockers, a private television channel reported on Monday.

According to sources, police had tracked the details of the lockers while conducting a search operation in the houses of Altaf Hussain and a relative of his.

The sources said the London police had compiled a report based on solid evidence against the MQM chief and sent it to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The Crown Prosecution Service is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.

The sources added that the MQM chief would be part of the interrogative process after the government lawyers’ response.

Two former leaders of the political party provided firm proof to the London police which helped the officials in their investigation.

Police officials also claimed that £1 million or more were also recovered during the raid.

The London Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Services will present a progress report on the Imran Farooq murder case before British Home Secretary Theresa May today (Tuesday).

The Crown Prosecution Services will hold a special session with the top police officials before meeting the home secretary.

Earlier, the MQM chief voluntarily stepped down from his post on June 30 after the raid conducted by the London police on his residence but retracted his resignation within six hours.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Movie Shahid Afaridi first trailer

Humaima Malik does stunts in Thailand

Pakistani actress Humaima Malik who got fame from her debut film “Bol” is nowadays shooting for Samsung Mobile commercial in Thailand.
The commercial which was based on a scene from Angelina Jolie’s popular movie “Tomb Raider” required the actress to perform certain action stunts. Humaima was given the choice to use a stunt man for the action scenes but actress refused and decided to do all her stunts herself

Saturday 22 June 2013

Cat vs Baby sooo cute

Priyanka Chopra Still From On The Sets of Mary Kom Film

Janet Jackson Converts To Islam, And Quits Music

Superstar Janet Jackson is reportedly quitting the entertainment industry and is going to leave the country to become a Muslim

Poonam Pandey is no more a virgin!

Mumbai: The humorous Poonam Pandey plays with words on her favorite mouthpiece Twitter but sometimes, she breaches the boundaries of being witty. Recently, commenting on Madras High Court’s decision the sexy siren indirectly revealed that she had sex before marriage.
Madras High Court recently ruled a judgment that ‘if a couple had sex before marriage, then they will be considered as married’. Meanwhile, soon as the court gave its ruling, people started keeping their views
over it.
The ‘Nasha’ girl too gave her expert comments over the decision. She tweets, “#MadrasHC I am Married then Hehehehe  LOL.”
Mischievous Poonam indirectly accepted that she has had sex before getting marriage and hence she should be considered a married woman as per the court’s latest ruling. Now this is just a stunt to grab attention before the release of her adult film Nasha or it really has some truth in it. What say?

SRK considering second marriage with Priyanka

Try as they may, Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra’s big love generates worldwide interest. And why ever not — SRK is India’s biggest superstar with an international presence few can match, and Priyanka is his lady love. Sure, he’s a married man with kids, but then…
The actors, who have been seeing each other for a while now, have been trying to downplay their relationship in the public eye ever since Firstpost published pictures of them back inJanuary 2012 but to no avail. If anything, the pictures only fuelled further public interest in their relationship.
The latest speculation is that SRK and Priyanka may have taken the relationship one step further. Or, at least, that is what is being spoken of in the inner circle! But is it marriage or something short of that? After all, marriage is a big deal, especially if the groom is already married and has kids.
Of course, unless either of them announces this new development, we are going to hear more questions than answers.
Whilst we cannot confirm the couple’s marital status, let’s look at some of the reasons that would make it plausible:
1. Under Shari’ah, a Muslim man can take up to four wives, as long as he treats them equally, the details of which are prescribed under the law. So, by Islamic law, SRK can marry again, without having to divorce his wife Gauri. SRK does not intend to abandon his kids or Gauri, but he does seem to want his own life with Priyanka.
2. It is well-known, though not openly spoken about, that SRK and Priyanka are in love. The way they behave with each other seems to confirm this. At Karan Johar’s 40th birthday last year in May, guests said that once she entered the party, the room stood still as SRK sprang to his feet to greet her like an eager schoolboy. Priyanka is also said to adore SRK in a way that no one ever has. Clearly, the feeling’s mutual.
3. SRK has gone to great lengths to support Priyanka and protect her from some of his friends, with whom he no longer shares a friendship. These former friends were reportedly giving her a hard time over their relationship, since they could not take him on directly. In the end, those very people lost out on their friendship with SRK in a bid to oust Priyanka from his life.
Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra outside SRK’s office in Khar, Mumbai in January, 2012. Firstpost
4. SRK is extremely protective of Priyanka and uses his clout to do what he can to lessen the abrasive demeanour of people toward her. He has made phone calls to people requesting them to back off and not known to take an unkind word against Priyanka lightly.
5. SRK has been overseeing her product endorsements for some time now and sometimes negotiates on Priyanka’s behalf for the best deal possible, given his sharp business acumen. Even though she may not have the pick of films to choose from, she does make serious cash on her numerous brand endorsements right from Pepsi, Nokia, Hero Pleasure 50, Nikon, Tag Heuer to Garnier and other such. On her part, it is said that Priyanka does not sign an endorsement deal till SRK’s overseen the contracts.
6. SRK has reportedly told friends that he came to Mumbai from Delhi with nothing and he’s just as okay starting all over again with nothing, if that’s what it takes being with Priyanka.
7. Given they already are a couple, the question that does arise is: “Why marry, when he’s a married man, and that too, in secret?” To that, one can only assume that they might want to preserve the sanctity of their relationship and keep it to themselves, given their immensely popular public lives as film stars.
Things have been turning around in the Khan household at Mannat for a while now and uncorroborated information has been trickling in often. SRK is a wonderful parent to his two kids, Aryan and Suhana, and that fact has been documented in reams of news space over the years and nothing can, or will, change that aspect of his life, which he is fiercely protective of. SRK and Priyanka’s relationship is being discussed in book clubs, ladies’ luncheons, and by business suits on coffee breaks… everyone seems very occupied with SRK’s love life. Despite the naysayers, SRK and Priyanka’s relationship seems real, despite the harsh reality of their respective situations.
If indeed, SRK and Priyanka have taken the next step, it would be Bollywood’s biggest off-screen love story, unscripted and untold so far. Till SRK and Priyanka tweet the tale themselves…

Friday 21 June 2013

Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan to Break Up!

Yes! You have read the above lines correctly. Saif Ali Khan and his beautiful wife Kareena Kapoor are no more going to be seen together… but on the screen!
Yes, the two may have been settled well in their lives and going on well, but the two have certainly not gone on well on-screen and which is why they have said ‘no’ to each other on the screen anymore.
While being at the promotion of his movie Race 2, Mr. Khan told NDTV in New Delhi, “I don’t think she was offered Race 2 and if she had been, we both probably would have said no to the film.”
Both Kareena and her beau Saif have done three movies together including the super duper flop Agent Vinod, but none of them turn out well for these two.
“I don’t need to work with Kareena in order to feel fulfilled. Kareena is a great actor and it would have been nice to work with her,” said Saif.
Khan added, “I feel it burdens the script when you put two of us together. The fun of the scene becomes dull and that’s a danger.”
The news may be better from Saif and Kareena’s angle but surely the fans of the two stars are not going to digest it.

Black Couple Give Birth To White Blue-Eyed Blonde Baby Girl

He added: “Actually, the first thing I did was look at her and say, ‘What the flip?’”But as the baby’s older brother and sister – both black – crowded round the “little miracle” at their home in South London, Ben declared: “Of course she’s mine.”Blue-eyed blonde Nmachi, whose name means “Beauty of God” in the Nigerian couple’s homeland, has baffled genetics experts because neither Ben nor wife Angela have ANY mixed-race family history.Pale genes skipping generations before cropping up again could have explained the baby’s appearance.Ben also stressed: “My wife is true to me. Even if she hadn’t been, the baby still wouldn’t look like that.“We both just sat there after the birth staring at her for ages – not saying anything.”Doctors at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup – where Angela, from nearby Woolwich, gave birth – have told the parents Nmachi is definitely no albino.Ben, who came to Britain with his wife five years ago and works for South Eastern Trains, said: “She doesn’t look like an albino child anyway – not like the ones I’ve seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy white baby.”He went on: “My mum is a black Nigerian although she has a bit fairer skin than mine.“But we don’t know of any white ancestry. We wondered if it was a genetic twist.“But even then, what is with the long curly blonde hair?”Professor Bryan Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University and Britain’s leading expert, yesterday called the birth “extraordinary”.He said: “In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child – and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents.“This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing.”Prof Sykes said BOTH parents would have needed “some form of white ancestry” for a pale version of their genes to be passed on.But he added: “The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don’t have blonde hair like this at birth.”

The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.He admitted: “The rules of genetics are complex and we still don’t understand what happens in many cases.”The amazing birth comes five years after Kylie Hodgson became mum to twin daughters – one white and the other black – in Nottingham.Kylie, now 23, and her partner Remi Horder, now 21, are both mixed race.Even so the odds were estimated at a million to one.The Sun told in 2002 how a white couple had Asian twins after a sperm mix-up by a fertility clinic.Yesterday three-day-old Nmachi’s churchgoing mum Angela admitted that she was “speechless” at first seeing her baby girl, who was delivered in a caesarean op.She said: “I thought, ‘What is this little doll?’“She’s beautiful and I love her. Her colour doesn’t matter. She’s a miracle baby.“But still, what on earth happened here?”Her husband told how their son Chisom, four, was even more confused than them by his new sister.Ben said: “Our other daughter Dumebi is only two so she’s too young to understand.“But our boy keeps coming to look at his sister and then sits down looking puzzled.“We’re a black family. Suddenly he has a white sister.”Ben continued: “Of course, we are baffled too and want to know what’s happened. But we understand life is very strange.“All that matters is that she’s healthy and that we love her.She’s a proud British Nigerian.”Queen Mary’s Hospital said: “Congratulations to Angela and her family on the birth of their daughter.”

Tooba Siddiqui Wedding Pictures

Pakistani Actress Tooba Siddiqui Wedding Photos

Pakistani Salman khan look real Salman Khan must watch

Aishwarya Rai wows in blue at Orient Express dinner

Pakistani Salman khan look real Salman Khan must watch

Thursday 20 June 2013

Janet Jackson Converts To Islam, And Quits Music

Superstar Janet Jackson is reportedly quitting the entertainment industry and is going to leave the country to become a Muslim
Rob Shuter tells reporters that Jackson is moving to the Middle East and is converting to Islam.

Shuter says that since she married billionaire Wissam Al Mana, she has grown  tired of the grueling entertainment industry.The pair got married last year in a very private ceremony, according to Shuter, and they want to live a private life away from the paparazzi.
Al Mana, a Qatar native, is involved in his family’s controlled Middle-East-based Al Mana Retail Group.
And since marrying Al Mana, Ms. Jackson’s net worth has certainly climbed higher as she is officially became a billionaire sometime in May, this year. However, it’s not clear if her recent billionaire status has anything to do with the fact that she recently married one.